
Within the »FrauenZimmer« (woman’s chamber) a synthesis of figure and space, human being and object takes place. The obsolete term implies suggestions, which I spun forth within small-sized drawings. They are possibilities of metamorphosis, invented relationships between women and chambers.

Women turn into chambers silently, between the lines of everyday life. Amidst their own four walls, they become absorbed in more or less reasonable occupations, more and more frequently in the company of animals.

The stage of the female protagonists is small and allows the observer but a small distance from the site of the event. Space only exist as an indication – there are no walls, doors and windows, no floor beneath the women’s feet. They remain in abeyance – their world an open system. Restriction and protection only comes from the things they do and the relationships they enter into.

Nikola Röthemeyer, notes April 2011